Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Country I Would Like To Visit

Eiffel Tower Arch of Triumph
I think that travel around the world it's the dream of everyone or of most person.

Personally, I'd love travel around South America but particularly I'd like doing it to cross the sea. I have a penchant for the sea and travel through him, and I think that knowing other countries close to Chile is necessary to know the realities that surr I think that knowing other countries close to Chile is necessary to know the realities that surround us.

Arch of Triumph

But if I'd must decide, I'd like to go to France and specifically the city of Paris. The father of modern Chemestry, Antoine Lavoisier, was a french that died in the French Revolution, but I don't know very much about France.
If I should go France I’d like go to differents cities rich in cultures and landscapes, know the Eiffel Tower, go to galleries and museums, but I'd not like start a new live in France because I can't live away of my family or my friends, maybe I'd travel for a season of studies but mainly travel to take vacations.