Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My blogging experience

This course in my opinion was quite usefel, the blogs were Interesting and increasingly challenging, especially the last blog, was very hard think about the micro-nano world, at least for me.

I feel that my writing skill, and of reading too, were widening in each blog. Although was not of objetive, the pronunciation was very significant for me, personally the most I like of the english and the langague is the phonetics and know the small differences between British  and American language.

In the future maybe the proposed of themes would can be before that course begins, although the themes proposed for teacher it were very good, my favourite blog was "a photograph, you like ",
I enjoyed it a lot. But I suffered a lot thinking in the "From the invisible to the visible world an back", this theme was very specific or maybe I did not know how to approach it.
I would like writing more about themes Scientists and related to the career, and practice more a technical language, but than I like more that the blogs serve to distract.

Well, this is the last post and week of class, now it's only save the semester with exams.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Methods of investigation

Over the years, a great number of methods have been developed that are currently able to detect different macromolecules and their concentrations by way of very accurately.
Automatic fraction and sample
collector for chromatography

Among these methods is the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), is a technique used to separate the components of a mixture based on different types of chemical interactions between the analyzed substances.
One of its important future projections is that then of separate of the components, is passed to its posterior quantification, what in the field of health it is very useful for detect of diseases and an early diagnosis.
This semester I have been reading any papers scientific of methods of detection, among which are immunoassays, capillary electrophoresis, electrochemical techniques and different chromatographies, and I chose the HPLC because is the most used in the investigations, having high results.

For human welfare is quite promising because an early diagnosis would help better treatment for diseases.
But as methods has the time disadvantage, a HPLC can take between hours to days, for example this methods would not be useful in doping test, instead, an electrochemical technique would be better in this case, everything will depend on the purpose of the study.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The most enjoyable subject

In this semester the subject that I most enjoyed was Lab of General Chemestry, mainly this subject consist in classes practical but also classes theoretical. Some times there is a classes theoretical before goning to laboratory, in which the practical work to be carried out is explained and theoretical behaviors that will be seen in it.

Well, the theory not always the same as practice and in the laboratory I'can realize that it is so, but the best feeling is when you come, with practice, to what is theoretically expected.
What makes interesting  the Lab of General Chemestry is that promotes self-learning, one must arrive and begin to work for its own account, also promotes rigorous being, a small detail can make a big difference in the results.

I like to realize myself that the theory fails in some cases and learn from my mistakes, which I do often in this subject.
Mainly the contents I have seen has been the acid and base behavior, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics and others.
I think the laboratory is important for the development of a scientific mind because it allows you to think differently compared to a theoretical class.