Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My experience learning English

I should had have more interest for the English when I was a child, in the school and in my free times, because now that I grew up understated the importance of learn another language in the world of work. 
My experience learning English at the university was quite enriching, I learned new expressions  , about intonation, vocabulary and about pronunciation, the oral expression it's something that for my is very harder but I improved it at the university.
The use of the blogs in this course improvement skills of reading and redaction of ideas but is just it, I don't say that is few relevant, but I think that is more important learn to hear and to understand  interpreter English, is the essential to time learn another language and it's other something that difficult me when I learning English.
I need improve my vocabulary, to time of reading scientific papers my lack of vocabulary difficult me the comprehension and always I need search what mean many words and this take me many. My vocabulary to get better if I follow reading more and more text in English and also I practices my pronunciation and intonation signing new songs and this help me to know new words and expression Britain's and America's.
Outside of English class I read many text in this language and hearing new songs always I try to improve my skill for understand different pronunciations and accents. I plan to the future practice my skill to speak with my friends doing talks face to face or everyday conversations.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. completely agreed with your opinion about blogs, it is necessary more oral expression education in english.
