Thursday, April 27, 2017

My favourite piece of technology

Since childhood I had a great taste for music, My most old remember is having a few cassette and I listening to songs of  "Cachureos" and others songs from that time ...

Music box

Everything must have arisen from desire of have your favorite music with yourself in any place. So they appeared the cassettes, the discman, mp3-mp4... maybe the oldder artifact that fulfilled this dream was the musical boxes.

My favourite piece of technology is the mp3, when I got my first mp3 had 12, in beginning I didn't know how it was used, but then in short time I became an expert. I had to update it with music every now and then and charge it at night.

I used it on trips by bus or car but also used it in my free time.
I love to listen to music and that's why the mp3 is my faithful friend, without him I think that anyway I would look for the music, I would going to concerts or " tocatas ".

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why did I choose this career ?

When I a was a child, I remember that I had a big love for to animals, Although I didn't  have many pets at the moment, I had ( and still I've) a love for them, so I would wanted be a veterinary. This just was a dream of child. I was growing and I realized that I would have be first professional in my family, so when I finished high school I had to choose a career ... but, which one?

When I was 13 I be a veterinary wasn't  between my options, i used to be hours on the computer and I liked a career as Computer Engineering but little by little this option was discarded by other likes, in the school had chosen an elective and my decision was the sciences, I chose to be a chemist, without knowing how it would influence in my future. I loved the labs and I liked the chemistry but never thought about it as an option.

At the moment to applying for career I had an engieneering in my mind because math and numbers was easy for my ... But, the chemistry was what I really loved, and my teacher was the one who advised me to follow the pharmacy career.

When I entered at university I knew the areas of work of a pharmacist and in particular I really liked the hospital area, for the moment is the kind of job that i would like have.
My experience in the university has been good, has helpe me to grow as a person, but the responsibilite is great and exhausting...

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Gettinf to know

My name is Manuel Espinoza S. , my friends call me Manu but my parents call me Ale for my second name (Alejandro). I'm single son of the separated parents and I'm currently live with my mother and my grandmother.

I was born in Santiago of Chile, I've nineteen years and I'm study Chemstry and Farmacy at the Universidad de Chile in the Fac. of Chemstry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

I don't eat meat but I'm not vegetarian, my friends call me "Pecetariano" because I don't eat meat but I do fish and seafood, my friend bother me about this. I haven't been eating meat for almost 5 years. Some time it's easier to say that I'm vegetarian than to explain why I don't like meat.