Thursday, April 27, 2017

My favourite piece of technology

Since childhood I had a great taste for music, My most old remember is having a few cassette and I listening to songs of  "Cachureos" and others songs from that time ...

Music box

Everything must have arisen from desire of have your favorite music with yourself in any place. So they appeared the cassettes, the discman, mp3-mp4... maybe the oldder artifact that fulfilled this dream was the musical boxes.

My favourite piece of technology is the mp3, when I got my first mp3 had 12, in beginning I didn't know how it was used, but then in short time I became an expert. I had to update it with music every now and then and charge it at night.

I used it on trips by bus or car but also used it in my free time.
I love to listen to music and that's why the mp3 is my faithful friend, without him I think that anyway I would look for the music, I would going to concerts or " tocatas ".

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