Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why did I choose this career ?

When I a was a child, I remember that I had a big love for to animals, Although I didn't  have many pets at the moment, I had ( and still I've) a love for them, so I would wanted be a veterinary. This just was a dream of child. I was growing and I realized that I would have be first professional in my family, so when I finished high school I had to choose a career ... but, which one?

When I was 13 I be a veterinary wasn't  between my options, i used to be hours on the computer and I liked a career as Computer Engineering but little by little this option was discarded by other likes, in the school had chosen an elective and my decision was the sciences, I chose to be a chemist, without knowing how it would influence in my future. I loved the labs and I liked the chemistry but never thought about it as an option.

At the moment to applying for career I had an engieneering in my mind because math and numbers was easy for my ... But, the chemistry was what I really loved, and my teacher was the one who advised me to follow the pharmacy career.

When I entered at university I knew the areas of work of a pharmacist and in particular I really liked the hospital area, for the moment is the kind of job that i would like have.
My experience in the university has been good, has helpe me to grow as a person, but the responsibilite is great and exhausting...


  1. The hospital area it is very hard and interesting. Nice story.

  2. Great story manu :D It was nice that your teacher guide you in choosing, I'm glad that you like the career.

    My regards.

  3. Nice history! It's very difficult to choose a career but I'm happy that you have chosen the correct one.
    My regards.
