Thursday, October 12, 2017


Since I was young I was banned for something that is now my pleasure, to this day my mother says it is not healthy but I can not stop enjoying a good coffee in the morning.
As I grew older, I drank coffee more and more often and nowadays I can not miss a cup of coffee every day but in periods of examinations and tests I usually drink 3 to 4 cups.

Caffeine is a substance that stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), it has psychotropic properties, that alter the behavior, and also has a diuretic effect (excretion of liquids).
Its use can favor different activities, from improving sports performance, helping in fat loss, and in cognitive tasks.

The most known effect of caffeine is increased alertness and wakefulness but also have any effects physiology such as increased heart and respiratory rate, increased blood flow and release of catecholamines.The benefits of caffeine consumption are: increased fat loss, prolonged physical activity, thermogenic effect (ability to generate heat in the body due to metabolic reactions), increased sports performance and use of fatty acids in the body.
The effects of abuse of this drug are: Sleep disorders, Rapid heartbeat, High blood pressure, Headaches, Nervousness, Dizziness, Dependence, Dehydration
The most extreme cases known, of a mass consumption of the order of 10-14gr, cause death.

Common withdrawal symptoms to this drug are: headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, anxiety, and others.Drugs of abuse are a serious issue for my career and society as a pharmacist I must raise awareness on this issue in a society where drug abuse is closer to people.

I have relatives who abuse drugs and it is difficult for them to change their way of being, even though they themselves are aware of their state.

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