Thursday, October 5, 2017

Post Graduate studies

I haven't think about if take post graduate studies, is not idea that interest me, it's mean too much money and time, so a reason to take a master degree or PhD degree would be have money and time because now I'm not interested any post graduate studies in particular.

Maybe a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences would a option, could be a opportunity to go beyond what I know, discovery a way to find ways to make more efficient process in the pharmaceutical industrie or something for improve inside the inside the pharmaceutical production.

Other option could be a Diploma degree in Farmacy management. This area is my greater interests of my career and follow study for this branch it would be of  my grade but is not something that motivates me a lot, although take a Diploma requires less time than a PhD, so is
would more probably that is within my plans.

I would take the classes part-time, I would use my time working in the asistencial area while study for to improve what I do.

Study abroad is something that I'd not like because mean stay for away of my family, I'd like study in Chile for improve theire reality and have progress as a country.

Well, the future is quite uncertain and talk about subject like this make me very difficult, has been the blog that cost me most to write.

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