Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Person/expert on my field that I admire

"Never break the silence if it is not for improve it"

  -Ludiwg van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was a composer, orchestra director and german pianist who was born in 1770. His musical legacy goes from Classicism to the beginnings of musical Romanticism. Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers in the history of music and his legacy influences in a decisive way the evolution of this art. He died at 56 years of age in 1827.

Ludiwg van Beethoven

Between the most greast works of Beethoven is  Leonore, his only opera, the Fifth symphony, the Sixth Symphony or Pastoral Symphony, and the piano trifle For Elisa.

Maybe the most generally known of him is his deafness, which marked much his musical works, but also his amorous and ruptures were visible in his works, such as Moonlight Sonata, destined to one of his many love affairs.


What I like most about Beethoven are his works.. rather, his masterpieces !, I love what they transmit, it's an unparalleled sensation. Also his passio to compose great works in spite of his condition of deafness, to that I call a true passion for what one does.


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Beethoven was a incredible composer, I love his Symphony No. 9.
