Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My experience learning English

I should had have more interest for the English when I was a child, in the school and in my free times, because now that I grew up understated the importance of learn another language in the world of work. 
My experience learning English at the university was quite enriching, I learned new expressions  , about intonation, vocabulary and about pronunciation, the oral expression it's something that for my is very harder but I improved it at the university.
The use of the blogs in this course improvement skills of reading and redaction of ideas but is just it, I don't say that is few relevant, but I think that is more important learn to hear and to understand  interpreter English, is the essential to time learn another language and it's other something that difficult me when I learning English.
I need improve my vocabulary, to time of reading scientific papers my lack of vocabulary difficult me the comprehension and always I need search what mean many words and this take me many. My vocabulary to get better if I follow reading more and more text in English and also I practices my pronunciation and intonation signing new songs and this help me to know new words and expression Britain's and America's.
Outside of English class I read many text in this language and hearing new songs always I try to improve my skill for understand different pronunciations and accents. I plan to the future practice my skill to speak with my friends doing talks face to face or everyday conversations.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Changes To My Study Programme

When I did enter to study pharmacy at university in 2016 I realized that there was a new program of the study in the career  that I did chose. Among some change in the new program are the delete of the courses, and courses that are given before.
The delete of the course of Anatomy I think that was good, for a part I believe that of the study of the human body is more relevant in career such as Medicine or kinesiology, and for other personally I hate the large amount of memory  that requires the study of the human body.

About length of studies in my career I believe that is great to learn the basic although I'd like that one could specialize a little more in the length of the career of pharmacy. 

The infrastructure, currently in my faculty, needs to improve quite because nowadays it does not give the supply for the more one thousand of students that we are, it's necessary  more classroom and a greater number of teachers.
The technology is a tool important for research and studies but I think that is not necessary improve this in the faculty because for my the priority is her infrastructure.

There are teachers with methods quite deficient at the time of teaching, read the power point for more than an hour for example, but are not the majority of the teachers, I think that the instance of discussing knowledge it's the best way to learn. The practical methods to teaching in the faculty are my favourites and I'd like that keep how are.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Summer Holidays

My summer holidays always late because the semester end very late and I end going to the test PRE and Exams, but this summer holidays I'd like to visit others regions such as Chiloé or maybe other place but in the south of Chile. Honestly I just want to travel out of Santiago because I'm bored here and I need distract the mind and breathe new airs, taste new foods and see the landscapes that in my country you can find.
Going to the beach is something that now bores me, but if is my only opportunity of out of the Santiago I will haven't other option.

Between one the activities that I'd like do in this summer holidays is back to go the "Quebrada de Macul", is a place that  I visited two or three ago with my schoolmates and besides being a long and tiring trip is a place full of the beautiful landscapes. I'd will back to visit this place with my old friends of the school and, why not?, with my friends that I did meet in the university.

For this activity I don't need too much money, just I need time and motivation, but if I'd want travel in the summer I should work at least a month, so other of the activity that I have planning to do is find work as waiter, I have two events for December but I will need more money to all things that I'd will like do.

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Since I was young I was banned for something that is now my pleasure, to this day my mother says it is not healthy but I can not stop enjoying a good coffee in the morning.
As I grew older, I drank coffee more and more often and nowadays I can not miss a cup of coffee every day but in periods of examinations and tests I usually drink 3 to 4 cups.

Caffeine is a substance that stimulates the central nervous system (CNS), it has psychotropic properties, that alter the behavior, and also has a diuretic effect (excretion of liquids).
Its use can favor different activities, from improving sports performance, helping in fat loss, and in cognitive tasks.

The most known effect of caffeine is increased alertness and wakefulness but also have any effects physiology such as increased heart and respiratory rate, increased blood flow and release of catecholamines.The benefits of caffeine consumption are: increased fat loss, prolonged physical activity, thermogenic effect (ability to generate heat in the body due to metabolic reactions), increased sports performance and use of fatty acids in the body.
The effects of abuse of this drug are: Sleep disorders, Rapid heartbeat, High blood pressure, Headaches, Nervousness, Dizziness, Dependence, Dehydration
The most extreme cases known, of a mass consumption of the order of 10-14gr, cause death.

Common withdrawal symptoms to this drug are: headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, anxiety, and others.Drugs of abuse are a serious issue for my career and society as a pharmacist I must raise awareness on this issue in a society where drug abuse is closer to people.

I have relatives who abuse drugs and it is difficult for them to change their way of being, even though they themselves are aware of their state.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Post Graduate studies

I haven't think about if take post graduate studies, is not idea that interest me, it's mean too much money and time, so a reason to take a master degree or PhD degree would be have money and time because now I'm not interested any post graduate studies in particular.

Maybe a PhD in pharmaceutical sciences would a option, could be a opportunity to go beyond what I know, discovery a way to find ways to make more efficient process in the pharmaceutical industrie or something for improve inside the inside the pharmaceutical production.

Other option could be a Diploma degree in Farmacy management. This area is my greater interests of my career and follow study for this branch it would be of  my grade but is not something that motivates me a lot, although take a Diploma requires less time than a PhD, so is
would more probably that is within my plans.

I would take the classes part-time, I would use my time working in the asistencial area while study for to improve what I do.

Study abroad is something that I'd not like because mean stay for away of my family, I'd like study in Chile for improve theire reality and have progress as a country.

Well, the future is quite uncertain and talk about subject like this make me very difficult, has been the blog that cost me most to write.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

My future job

The future is quite uncertain ...but I strongly believe that if you do what you really like, you will not miss the reason to wake up every day.

I'd like to have a job that I can help others person, for this reason I did choose a career link to health area, I imagine myself in the hospital, in charge of their pharmacy, dispensing and distributing the medicines for each patient, I very like the hospital area in my career and I hope that my future be guided by this branch.

I'm not sure if I would like travel for my job, I'll prefer travel for other reasons, vacation, family or simply for taste, I don't think that travel for job be the best way to know others places.
About the salary... I don't care very much, while I can live doing that I like, the salary will not be a problem.

I always try to grow as a person, trying new things or learning from my mistakes, that's why I'd take a major in education maybe would a great challenge for my, I don't like to teach others, it's hard for me, but I'd like take the challenge and achieve understand to teach, so I could  develop new skills in which I'm not very good.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Old and New Hobbies

I have a hobby that I have left out with the time... I used to play guitar every day when I go to the school. The music always was my favorite hobby, from the kid I enjoyed of differs instruments; the drums, the bass, the guitar, the voice (that is also instrument), the piano, I love each one of this and together making somethings wonderful.

When I have 14 years I started to play guitar, alone, without teacher or someone that learn me something of music. Then in my school I should choose between the course of Music or Arts, and I didn't think twice. In this course I learned about theory and I started to sing.

With the years, play guitar and sing used to be more and more important for my, I could express my feelings and I could release the stresses of everyday life.

When I was a kid I don't remember have a hobby in specific, but  when gave me toys cars I used to collecting with their box, never I played with this, in fact, I still have toys cars saved.

A hobby for my mean something that without realizing, it begins to be part of you and you essence.
But in the future never have a expensive hobby, I prefer something simple as to take care of a plant, I'd like to be a old man with many plants in the future, that would be a great hobby.

Friday, September 1, 2017

My Best Holidays

Maybe I have a fragile memory , because I have visited places very beautiful in my life, but the holidays that I really enjoyed was this past winter break.

This year with my friends, after the final exams and a few days of rest at  our home, we decide visit to a partner in Viña del Mar, we were many person in only one house! 10 person exactly.

We went for few days, two or three, so we enjoyed a lot and we rest very little. The first thing that we did was go to dunes in which I was feel a child again, I very enjoyed walk across the dunes, throw myself at them and do it again, was a pretty afternoon and we did can watch the sun hide in the sea.

Botanical Garden
The next day we did know the Botanical Garden of Viña, a place full of life and green areas, I could breath pure air and see beautiful landscapes.

Valparaíso street's
In the last day in Viña we went to Valparaíso, we walked its streets and I was not bored walking through its colorful streets, the beauty was on every street where it doubled!!

I'd like to repeat this holiday, with the same people and the same place!

Thursday, August 31, 2017

A Country I Would Like To Visit

Eiffel Tower Arch of Triumph
I think that travel around the world it's the dream of everyone or of most person.

Personally, I'd love travel around South America but particularly I'd like doing it to cross the sea. I have a penchant for the sea and travel through him, and I think that knowing other countries close to Chile is necessary to know the realities that surr I think that knowing other countries close to Chile is necessary to know the realities that surround us.

Arch of Triumph

But if I'd must decide, I'd like to go to France and specifically the city of Paris. The father of modern Chemestry, Antoine Lavoisier, was a french that died in the French Revolution, but I don't know very much about France.
If I should go France I’d like go to differents cities rich in cultures and landscapes, know the Eiffel Tower, go to galleries and museums, but I'd not like start a new live in France because I can't live away of my family or my friends, maybe I'd travel for a season of studies but mainly travel to take vacations.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

My blogging experience

This course in my opinion was quite usefel, the blogs were Interesting and increasingly challenging, especially the last blog, was very hard think about the micro-nano world, at least for me.

I feel that my writing skill, and of reading too, were widening in each blog. Although was not of objetive, the pronunciation was very significant for me, personally the most I like of the english and the langague is the phonetics and know the small differences between British  and American language.

In the future maybe the proposed of themes would can be before that course begins, although the themes proposed for teacher it were very good, my favourite blog was "a photograph, you like ",
I enjoyed it a lot. But I suffered a lot thinking in the "From the invisible to the visible world an back", this theme was very specific or maybe I did not know how to approach it.
I would like writing more about themes Scientists and related to the career, and practice more a technical language, but than I like more that the blogs serve to distract.

Well, this is the last post and week of class, now it's only save the semester with exams.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Methods of investigation

Over the years, a great number of methods have been developed that are currently able to detect different macromolecules and their concentrations by way of very accurately.
Automatic fraction and sample
collector for chromatography

Among these methods is the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), is a technique used to separate the components of a mixture based on different types of chemical interactions between the analyzed substances.
One of its important future projections is that then of separate of the components, is passed to its posterior quantification, what in the field of health it is very useful for detect of diseases and an early diagnosis.
This semester I have been reading any papers scientific of methods of detection, among which are immunoassays, capillary electrophoresis, electrochemical techniques and different chromatographies, and I chose the HPLC because is the most used in the investigations, having high results.

For human welfare is quite promising because an early diagnosis would help better treatment for diseases.
But as methods has the time disadvantage, a HPLC can take between hours to days, for example this methods would not be useful in doping test, instead, an electrochemical technique would be better in this case, everything will depend on the purpose of the study.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

The most enjoyable subject

In this semester the subject that I most enjoyed was Lab of General Chemestry, mainly this subject consist in classes practical but also classes theoretical. Some times there is a classes theoretical before goning to laboratory, in which the practical work to be carried out is explained and theoretical behaviors that will be seen in it.

Well, the theory not always the same as practice and in the laboratory I'can realize that it is so, but the best feeling is when you come, with practice, to what is theoretically expected.
What makes interesting  the Lab of General Chemestry is that promotes self-learning, one must arrive and begin to work for its own account, also promotes rigorous being, a small detail can make a big difference in the results.

I like to realize myself that the theory fails in some cases and learn from my mistakes, which I do often in this subject.
Mainly the contents I have seen has been the acid and base behavior, reaction kinetics, thermodynamics and others.
I think the laboratory is important for the development of a scientific mind because it allows you to think differently compared to a theoretical class.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Person/expert on my field that I admire

"Never break the silence if it is not for improve it"

  -Ludiwg van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven was a composer, orchestra director and german pianist who was born in 1770. His musical legacy goes from Classicism to the beginnings of musical Romanticism. Beethoven is considered one of the greatest composers in the history of music and his legacy influences in a decisive way the evolution of this art. He died at 56 years of age in 1827.

Ludiwg van Beethoven

Between the most greast works of Beethoven is  Leonore, his only opera, the Fifth symphony, the Sixth Symphony or Pastoral Symphony, and the piano trifle For Elisa.

Maybe the most generally known of him is his deafness, which marked much his musical works, but also his amorous and ruptures were visible in his works, such as Moonlight Sonata, destined to one of his many love affairs.


What I like most about Beethoven are his works.. rather, his masterpieces !, I love what they transmit, it's an unparalleled sensation. Also his passio to compose great works in spite of his condition of deafness, to that I call a true passion for what one does.


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

My favourite book and film

"Roadwork  try to be good and find
some answers to the enigma of human pain" S.K.
When I went to school I liked to read a lot, in addition to the obligatory letters, I always looked for other books to read .In one of my searches, I found Stephen King's "Roadwork" thanks to the recommendation of a teacher.It deals with Dawes, the main character, who is led to mental instability when he discovers that his house and the place where he works will be demolished to make an extension of an interstate highway, while in the course of history he lives the mourning for the death of his son and the disintegration of his marriag.What I like about this book is that it shows the limits of a person and what they are willing to do for the things that one loves.Despite not dealing with King's classic style, with fantastic elements or science fiction, "Roadwork" touches a human reality that I had never read before and I loved.If you are a Stephen King fan, I recommend reading "Roadwork" as it is a different work than King writes and reflects an important part of his life.
And my favorite movie is Howl's Moving Castle, a simple and beautiful animated film. It tells the story of Sophie, a shy and innocent young woman, to whom the magic comes to her life in a surprising way.Since I was a kid I watch this movie and it's a story that I see at least once a year.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

A photograph I like

Never I was a person photogenic but a few years ago I began to take pleasure in this way of keeping moments.

Temple Bahá'í
This photograph was take for a friend in holiday, It had been a long time since we had met with my friends and decided to go visit the Temple Bahá'í. It's a pretty memory, in the temple was seen a great part of Santiago and in the photo  shows the view that was in the temple on a beautiful afternoon. My friend captured the precise moment of my happiness.

I like this photograph because I remember the good that is stop to think and appreciate the surroundings and how important that is not to lose the friendships.

The temple is open all week, except Mondays, I recommend going to disconnect from day to day, with friends, a couple or only to find yourself and enjoy the view.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Music in my life

At beginning, when I was 10 I used to listen a lot the radio, so that I listened to the songs of the moment, pop and reggeton in general.

But when I was grow, my taste of music were changed... I began listened to Rock punk and Alternative Rock , bands such as Green Day and Blink 182, that now is my favourite bands of Rock. The drums, bass and guitar of this bands but the instrument that I like most in a song is the piano, simply is fantastic such as the piano can change our mood, it can reach your soul and move it as he want.

When I was 13 I began played to guitar and nowadays I follow play guitar but less than before, the university it consumes me :( .
When I was younger I used to listen a bit of Bachata and now I hate it. I prefer the Cumbia to dance or clean the house.

I leave you a memory of shrek (=

Thursday, April 27, 2017

My favourite piece of technology

Since childhood I had a great taste for music, My most old remember is having a few cassette and I listening to songs of  "Cachureos" and others songs from that time ...

Music box

Everything must have arisen from desire of have your favorite music with yourself in any place. So they appeared the cassettes, the discman, mp3-mp4... maybe the oldder artifact that fulfilled this dream was the musical boxes.

My favourite piece of technology is the mp3, when I got my first mp3 had 12, in beginning I didn't know how it was used, but then in short time I became an expert. I had to update it with music every now and then and charge it at night.

I used it on trips by bus or car but also used it in my free time.
I love to listen to music and that's why the mp3 is my faithful friend, without him I think that anyway I would look for the music, I would going to concerts or " tocatas ".

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why did I choose this career ?

When I a was a child, I remember that I had a big love for to animals, Although I didn't  have many pets at the moment, I had ( and still I've) a love for them, so I would wanted be a veterinary. This just was a dream of child. I was growing and I realized that I would have be first professional in my family, so when I finished high school I had to choose a career ... but, which one?

When I was 13 I be a veterinary wasn't  between my options, i used to be hours on the computer and I liked a career as Computer Engineering but little by little this option was discarded by other likes, in the school had chosen an elective and my decision was the sciences, I chose to be a chemist, without knowing how it would influence in my future. I loved the labs and I liked the chemistry but never thought about it as an option.

At the moment to applying for career I had an engieneering in my mind because math and numbers was easy for my ... But, the chemistry was what I really loved, and my teacher was the one who advised me to follow the pharmacy career.

When I entered at university I knew the areas of work of a pharmacist and in particular I really liked the hospital area, for the moment is the kind of job that i would like have.
My experience in the university has been good, has helpe me to grow as a person, but the responsibilite is great and exhausting...

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Gettinf to know

My name is Manuel Espinoza S. , my friends call me Manu but my parents call me Ale for my second name (Alejandro). I'm single son of the separated parents and I'm currently live with my mother and my grandmother.

I was born in Santiago of Chile, I've nineteen years and I'm study Chemstry and Farmacy at the Universidad de Chile in the Fac. of Chemstry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

I don't eat meat but I'm not vegetarian, my friends call me "Pecetariano" because I don't eat meat but I do fish and seafood, my friend bother me about this. I haven't been eating meat for almost 5 years. Some time it's easier to say that I'm vegetarian than to explain why I don't like meat.